Can You Imagine

Can you imagine going to church and leading worship, with a song that you composed after you arrived? This month in our church for the Deaf, I've encouraged them to step up in their praise to God. We have been making it personal, worshipping and praising God by sharing from our own life experiences and thoughts. This video shows some of their praise & worship songs.

You may remember Juan, he has kidney disease and for years has been receiving dialysis 3 times a week. He sings: "You are great, beautiful, I want your love, like to sing to You, please I ask for a strong body, heal, I'm doing better and patient, You are very beautiful..." In the midst of poverty and a persistent life-threatening illness, Juan stays in the Word and maintains an awesome attitude of praise and thanksgiving!

Some other themes in the songs you see include: feeling His touch, the Word of God is perfect, God changed - cleansed - saved me, and God's mercy. Those are great ideas they are thinking about. Singing in front of others is a big step but they're growing out of their shyness and beginning to get into it. I'm thankful for growth in this area of their lives, as they praise and worship their God!

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