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Hello *|FNAME|*,

This year Martha expanded her discipleship of ladies through creative handiwork classes. Read on to enjoy her description of what God is doing and how. Thanks!

I've been burdened to help the ladies see their value as God's child through the skills and abilities He blessed them with. Four new craft classes have brought practical opportunities for learning to more of our students and their families. Their eagerness amazes us! What a blessing to watch their countenances and confidence burst forth as they create and express their own personalities in the works of their own hands. Proverbs 31:13 "She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands."

Each class includes time in the Word (Proverbs 31 these days) to help them grow spiritually as well as personally. They're maturing in all sorts of ways. Deeper relationships with God and one another, confidence with strangers and increasing self-worth: all great things! Proverbs 31:24, 25 "She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come."

Poverty, cultural traditions and undeveloped imaginations make up some overwhelming obstacles. But when they create and bless others with their handicrafts, these obstacles fall away in their minds. They're learning how to help their families practically and contribute financially. Sandra has been selling her creations from hats & purses, to bead baskets and embroidery. Already working as a house cleaner, this helps add to her income. Young Sara has sold her first embroidery items and is now learning how to save and shop for more materials for future projects. This also will be a great blessing of income to her very poor family. Proverbs 31:24, 25 "She makes linen garments and sells them..."

We've mentioned Kathy before. No language till in her mid-30's and 6 years later unable to retain simple academic knowledge. But, what an amazing creator! She's made stacks of potholders, rugs, scarves, hats and now is learning bead baskets. She can't travel alone and work in the big workshop so at home she works through just about all the material I give her from week to week. She also finds things to work with herself and makes things without instruction or supervision. Best of all, Kathy's inner beauty outpaces the growth of her with manual skills. Proverbs 31:17 " She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks." 30-31 "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."

Unfortunately, we've cancelled a few classes lately. The car has broken down twice in the past few weeks while Mike was working out of town. Please pray for this obstacle to fall away also, as we await funds for my vehicle upgrade. If you would like to donate toward funds for the car, class materials or our support, please do! You can mail a check to the address below or click this DONATE button. Thanks and God bless you!

Mike & Martha Rudd

Good Word Ministry
200 South Oakridge Drive
Suite 101, Box 133
Hudson Oaks, TX 76087